EAFE Rules

The European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) is an association registered in France, under the framework of the 1901 Law on the right of association (association de type loi 1901).

Original Rules of EAFE

1. Name

The name of the association shall be the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE).

2. Objectives

2.1 To promote co-operation in economic research in fisheries and aquaculture.

2.2 To assist in the dissemination of information about fisheries economics among members.

2.3 To undertake any activity deemed appropriate to further the understanding of fisheries economics.

2.4 To serve as a channel of communication with other interested bodies.

3. Membership

3.1 Membership is open to any economist, working in research, industry or administration in the fisheries sector, from or working in a member state of the European Economic Area.

3.2 Associate membership without voting rights will be available to non-economists and to economists in other countries with an interest in European fisheries economics.

3.3 Membership is open to individuals or corporate bodies satisfying 3.1 upon payment of a membership subscription.

4. Meetings

4.1 There will be an annual meeting to approve the accounts, elect officers and undertake such other business as deemed necessary.

4.2 Notice of the annual meeting and any special meetings shall be at least 28 days.

4.3 The quorum for annual and special meetings shall be ten members.

5. Funds

5.1 The annual meeting will have power to set subscriptions

5.2 The Association shall have power to seek funding from any appropriate source.

5.3 It will be necessary for two officers to authorise expenditure of funds.

6. Officers

6.1 The annual meeting will elect a president, vice-president, secretary, rapporteur and treasurer by ballot.

6.2 The officers acting together as a Bureau shall have power to establish ad hoc or standing workshops and commissions to carry out any function which advances the Objectives of the Association.

6.3 The officers will serve in one position for no more than 3 consecutive years.

6.4 If the president resigns, the vice-president shall serve as president until the next annual meeting.

6.5 As far as possible, the officers will be chosen from different countries of the community.

6.6 The officers will have authority to disburse the funds of the Association in pursuit of its objectives and to take such decisions between annual and special meetings as necessary.

6.7 The president shall have power to call the annual or special meetings and will preside at them. He will be an ex-officio member of all standing commissions.

6.8 The rapporteur will be responsible for keeping the minutes of annual and special meetings, for drawing up their agenda in consultation with the president and for issuing notice of such meetings. The secretary will maintain records of the membership.

6.9 The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping the accounts of the Association and shall present an audited statement of accounts to the annual meeting for approval. The treasurer will collect and maintain records of subscriptions.

6.10 An annual or special meeting may appoint such other officers as are deemed necessary, and define their functions.

6.11 The president and treasurer shall ordinarily enter into financial commitments on behalf of the Association.

6.12 If two of the president, vice-president, secretary, rapporteur and treasurer resign, then an election for their positions shall be held within two months.

7. Changes of the rules

Changes to the rules will be subject to a two-thirds majority of those voting at an annual or special meeting.

8. Voting

Voting at meetings shall be by ballot and a simple majority of those voting will suffice, subject to Rule

9. Interpretation of the rules

The officers, elected under rule 6.1 and acting together, will have power to interpret the rules and to make any necessary provision where the rules are uncertain, for matters not covered by the rules.

Updates to the EAFE Rules

a. Agreed at the General Meeting in March 2005: 

The EAFE Conference is now to be held every two years, with workshops in intervening years.

b. Agreed at the General Meeting in July 2007:

  • i. 4.1 There will be a meeting every TWO years to approve the accounts, elect officers and undertake such other business as deemed necessary.
  • ii. 6.3 The officers will serve in one position for no more than TWO consecutive terms of office (each of two years).